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Setting Speed Limits.


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I'm sorry for being so confused!

I've tried to set a "Global Upload" limit on transfers.

I've tried right clicking on the file, and right clicking on the "U". Everytime I start a new torrent download, the download speed is not too bad (around 40-50k), but the Upload limit is always around 100k +++.

I can selectively set the upload limits, but I want to be able to set an upload limit so that when I start a new download, the upload doesn't grab all my bandwidth.

Sorry if this question is covered in an FAQ, but I swear, I've scowered them and cannot find anything to solve this dilema.

btw: in an FAQ, it says to set the upload limit in the "Network Settings". In uTorrent 1.7.5, I cannot find this setting.

Thanks to all.

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Sorry DreadWingKnight. I thought I put that in my post. I have Pref-Connection-Max Upload set to 10K! I use uTorrent on my laptop via a small office wireless network, this is why I want to limit the upload bandwidth. The download limit is fine and adheres to my settings.

As I said in my post, I did check the FAQ and everyting I could thing of and find. Still the upload speed is ramping up to around 100K +++.

I appologize for "Not Including" the above info in my post.

Any other ideas?

Cheers :)

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