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Problem with DHT??


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Sorry I don't really know what I'm doing cuz I never had this problem. Anyways im in Grand Cayman so that may have a part in why I can't seem to dl anything. Back when I was in the states I had no problem.

So I download the torrent, then open it in utorrent as usual, this then preceeds to search for hosts and whatnot, then after about a minute turns "red" as if it timed out and cant find a connection. Im at school here and have wireless and boadband (in the dorms), and can't seem to DL ANYTHING...Also at the bottom of the utorrent the DHT says "waiting to login" and "0 nodes(login)"...no idea what that means...the firewall doesnt block this, I've done speed tests..I basically don't know what else to do. If any1 knows anything I can do please let me know. I appreciate it thanks.

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