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Resatarting Old Torrents


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Kind of an odd issue, hope someone can help.

Whenever I try to restart an old torrent where the files are downloaded and everything is complete, I'll download and open the torrent link and Utorrent will start up prompting me where I have the files saved so they can be checked. When I select where the folder/files are, Utorrent will queue up the torrent as if it's downloading when it should be checking the files to start seeding. I'll stop the download, and redownload the torrent link to restart the process again. The second time, utorrent prompts me for the directory with the folder/files, it starts the check process and everything is fine. I've noticed that the times when utorrent if faulty (i.e. it downloads when it should be checking) the prompt for the location of the files defaults to the folder where the files are, whereas when it works correctly, it defaults to "my computer"

There's no issue with me selecting the wrong folder/file path where the files are located, this is an issue within utorrent.

Is anyone else experiencing issues like this? Is it a setting I'm missing?

Not a big issue but I just rebuilt my PC and have 200+ torrents I want to queue up again. I'd rather not do it 400+ times.

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