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Internet disconection letter.


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I have cable internet. My internet company sent me a dam letter about using utorrent and downloading copyrighted material (music, movies, software). If I download another one they are going to disconnect my ass. Is there any program that can stop them from monitoring my downloads on here. This is the second letter I had a different company before and they sent me a letter too.

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Switch ISP yourself at the next possible moment (when your current term ends). If they close you down they'll close your connection immediately while you usually still have to keep paying for the rest of the term (sometimes even up to a year).

Most ISPs (although officially will always state they won't allow you to download illegally) don't care about your copyright infringements as long as you don't draw attention to yourself (such as getting infringement letters or offering stuff for sale/trade on your ISP webspace).

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