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DownloadSpeed problems


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Ok! Heres a quick fix people!!!!!!

Set ur downlaod rate to your connection speed ( Ctrl & G ) and run the speed test.

Then right click on the small utorrent symbol in the bottom right corner of your desktop. Select downlaod limit, and click the speed that the speed test result gave you.

All u do after that is just roughly set the uplaod limit under 1/4 of the download speed test....SIMPLE ul get a very high rate usage1

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My upload limit is less than 1/15th my download speed. (6000 kilobits/sec down and only 384 kilobits/sec up)

Speed Guide (Ctrl+G) is asking for your upload speed rather than your download speed...you really DO have to measure them separately to know what you have for an internet connection.

It can cause serious problems to try to use a setting in Speed Guide that is faster than your connection can really do...sort of like trying to get your car to break the sound barrier. It is probably the LEADING cause of many of the problem posts on the entire message forums here. :(

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