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most people have upload restrictions... just how bad is yours??

most isps have no problem with ~10 KB/s upload limit, even the ones that don't allow much upload bandwidth.

the most you can limit your upload speed to is 1 KB/s, and that of course would give you horrible download speeds as well. (a constant 1 KB/s upload would be something like 90 MB uploaded in 24 hrs)

if you need to restrict it still further (O.o), you could use the scheduler to enable it only during certain times...

other than that... get it from a friend, a DD, or live without it :P

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To reduce bandwidth usage:

Turn off DHT (both kinds).

Disable Resolve IPs under the Peers Window. (That's expensive window-dressing considering it doesn't help download+upload speeds any.)

Reduce half open connection max to maybe 1-4. (You're not firewalled in µTorrent, right? ...so it shouldn't hurt as much as you might think!)

Disable resolve country flags in advanced.

Disable "Enable Local Peer Discovery".

Lastly, reduce total connections to 100 or less.

...maybe even as low as 20 per torrent, though 40 is probably better.

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