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Speed for download is very low...


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This is my first time to use uTorrent.

I read the forum posted and did the setting accordingly. After checking with the speed test website that you are introducing my average D/L speed is 416 kbps and U/L speed is 224 kbps.

However, I am still facing the problem of very low download speed. I download the same file (which recommended by you to test the speed) by using two different softwares. Furthermore, the download speed for these two software are significantly different. Please kindly refer to the attached pictures.

B software allows me to have download speed of 65 kBps after torrent added for 3 minutes.


Whereas, uTorrent only allows me to download with the speed about 6kBps after torrent added for more than 5 minuted.


Please kindly advice what should I do in order to increase my download speed. This is because I have been told by many users on the net that uTorrent is very fast for the download speed. However, the result that I tested is a bit different.


Best regards.

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Yes, I know Malaysia actually is not friendly towards BitTorrent....because I after reading some of the posts here...I thought by enabling the Encryption I will be able to downlaod faster...

I set my upload speed is faster than only 1kBps...This is because I would like to increase my download/upload ratio at some websites. That's why they recommended me to use uTorrent.

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