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DL Caps at 15 kb/s. Assistance Appreciated


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I have used utorrent consistently for about 4 months now and up untill a few weeks ago i had max speeds of about 80kb/s. I assumed these speeds were normal for my connection, but recently all of my torrents cap out at 15kb/s, no matter the connections, source, seeds, or time of day. My peer list also shows me downloading about 0.2~0.4 kb/s from all of them, the more peers the lower it gets.

Now ive tried everything listed in any guide and topic that remotely pertains to my issue. Including:

# Try disabling DHT (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent)

# Try disabling UPnP and NAT-PMP (Can be found in Preferences > Connection)

# Try disabling peer.resolve_country if it isn't already set to false (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

# Try lowering maximum global number of connections to 200? 100? 50? (Can be found in Preferences > BitTorrent)

# Lower net.max_halfopen to 4 (Can be found in Preferences > Advanced)

I have a permanent green check in the bottom left corner.

"Welcome to the µTorrent Port Checker.

A test will be performed on your computer to check if the specified port is opened.

Checking port 6112 on

OK! Port 6112 is open and accepting connections.

You will be able to receive incoming BitTorrent connections."

And ive used the speed guide to set my speed at xx/128k

Upload limit: 9kB/s -- Upload Slots: 3

Connects: 55 -- Connects (global): 80

Max active Torrents/Downloads: 1

ive tested my connect on multiple sites and the median lies around:

ISP: verizon.net

Latency: 53 ms

Download: 724 kb/s

Upload: 134 kb/s

I also have Encryption enabled.

And to reiterate, I have just started experiencing this problem within the last few weeks. Could have even been around a Utorrent version update...

If ive left out any information anyone might need, let me know.

Thanks again,



Almost sounds like "Download Limited" might be in the bottom left hand of your window...yet if you say you're uploading at 9 KiloBYTES/sec, then that shouldn't be there.

Do you have a software firewall that might be interfering?


I dont have Zone Alarm, im directly connected to my router, and my firewall is not an issue. I have utorrent listed in exceptions for my windows firewall and my AVG firewall.

Another thing that you guys might need to know, i have Windows Vista Ultimate 32bit OS

Edited to add: Ive tried the openoffice client, as i said, the speed is crippled, no exceptions :(. Thanks though.


I did just that, but no change.

Thanks anyways, anything other suggestions? Even a suggestion stating why im permanently screwed would be helpful.



This shouldn't hurt, but I figure will only improve your speeds very slightly by itself...

Disable Resolve IPs in the PEERS window by right-clicking in the window. Some bandwidth is used to do that which might better be spent increasing your download speed. Also, some stupid ISPs count that attempt to Resolve IPs as a BUNCH of extra connections.

Once you get a bunch of connections, try reducing net.max_halfopen to 0. After about 10 minutes, if download speeds haven't improved slightly, increase that to 1. In any case, set it to 1 or higher before you exit.

You may have to test WITHOUT your firewall installed. Make doubly sure the ONLY port forwarded on your router is whatever µTorrent is using as a listening port. If you have a fancy config menu for your router like mine has...You might also want to block internet access ANY activity on typically "system-reserved" or "LAN-only" ports.

On mine, I'm blocking these ports:








I have the same problem as @Opiate.and tryed everything like he did + a couple of things more...my utorr worked ok,but now my dl speed is wery low.Even openoffice is not constantly downloading,and the speed never goes over 30kb/s and it should be up to 56 kb/s.

I manualy forwarded my ports,tryed everything mentioned here but no solution,and i have no firewall activated to give me the trouble.

Any sugestions?


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