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Seeding/tracker abnormalities w/ µtorrent 1.2.2 > OiNK


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Hey all,

In the OiNK filesharing forum another user and I identified what might either be a problem with the OiNK tracker or µtorrent itself.

I'm seeding 20 torrents at the moment: If I let all my torrents start up automatically (all at the same time), OiNK will only register me as a "clever" seeder on about half of them. However, if I start seeding 5 torrents at a time (x4), I am listed as a clever seeder on all of the torrents by OiNK. Is it that starting my torrents seeding all at once overwhelms OiNK's tracker, or it a problem caused by µtorrent?

We're pretty confused about this phenomenon. Any ideas?


µtorrent 1.2.2 / WinXP Pro / ADSL (160/60) / SMC wireless router / UPnP on


You're probably overloading the NAT checker, it happened to Sanchez before and that was the conclusion he came to (he started lots of torrents too and had the same problem)


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