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utorrent looses settings!


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no computer crashes, mcafee is running but i have allowed utorrent. how do you mean limited user rights. no clenaslate.

Basically i start torrents to d/l then when i shut down the PC totally and switch on again and start utorrent it has no torrents in list and the soeed guide comes up with a total random port number. This never happened with older vesrsions.

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I think µTorrent requires either power user or administrator settings, unless run from a couple user-specific folders.

It definitely sounds like trouble...

Have you tried HijackThis! or Process Explorer?

I'm still convinced it's something weird wrong with your system.

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I forget about how to make sure you're running as a power user or administrator...but you better read alot before you do it.

It will tell you what programs and DLLs are both running in the background and load on boot-up.

Classic antivirus software misses too much nowadays to be trusted. :(

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I have exactly the same trouble with my uTorrent 1.7.5. Everytime the program is shutdown and/or when the PC is shutdown, when I reboot and start uTorrent, everything has vanished from the list, the seeded files are gone, the leeching files are gone.

I seen to have no trouble with viruses, but I don't know too much about that issue.

The previous version of uTorrent (whatever it was) that I used, never gave any trouble like this.

So, unless we have the same virus and we are both unaware of it lurking somewhere, then uTorrent has a problem.

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I don't expect a virus actually, I expect commercial software from big names like Norton, McAfee, Zone Alarm...are causing these crashes.

Can you run HijackThis! (a 3rd party program, found using GOOGLE) and post the logfile it creates?

That should list most of the "secret stuff" on your computer that loads on boot-up and is currently running in memory (2 separate lists in the same logfile).

Chances are, other people here who look at those logs regularly can find programs known to be hostile to µTorrent.

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