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cogeco emails


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hi i did torrent alot of movies and dl software,games, music but mostly just movies recently and music anyways im using utorrent and i was using peer guardian also but i just have been recieveing emails from cogeco my internet service provider and the first email was the copy right infringement thing blah blah saying they caught me dling something copyrighted or w/e and i didn't admit to it and whatnot but i recently just got another email im not sure exactly what it said cus it was sent to my dads email but they disconected my internet for a few hours and you had to like call this 1 800 number or something to reconnect it and what not it said you were you have been redirected to cogecos monitoring system has detected excess bandwith utilization coming to/from your system. And they discconected my internet untill you call this number to recconect it i think. They said they think i was using peer to peer programs such as Kazaa, Edonkey, or bitorrent. And is says if they catch me again they will not be our internet service provider i think. But anyways i was wondering what can i do to be 100% safe i don't upload that much stuff i mostly dl movies alot of axxo stuff. Do i really have to just stop dl stuff to be safe? also i was doing some research i heard that there is nothing they can really do to me in canada since i do live in canada they can't sue me? I dunno how can i stop dling so many ppl dl movies and stuff? WHAT CAN I DO TO BE SAFE AND NOT GET CAUGHT other then my stoping dling cus i don't want to do that but that is the last resort. btw i have stopped dling anything for a while until i can get some help or w/e

please any help is muchly appreciated

also take a look at this page



VPN = Virtual Private Network.

And wow.. try using some proper capitalization and punctuation next time. It makes things easier to read.


so if i paid for a vpn service like relakks do i have to like cancel cogeco or is relakks going to be my internet service provider or do i keep cogeco?

also i was just wondering if i don't get a vpn can i still use limewire to dl music or that is prolly unsafe to?


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