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Need help with the ipfilter.dat syntax


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Hi there,

I'm trying to figure out how blocking entire IP ranges works. For testing purposes I randomly selected a connected peer with the IP address I did a whois on this IP address and found the IP range of his ISP: -

I terminated the connection, added " -" to my ipfilter.dat, reloaded the IPFilter and reconnected. Much to my surprise, uTorrent allowed a new connection to

When I added "" to my ipfilter.dat instead (without specifying any ranges) uTorrent would not allow connections to this particular. The Logger tab even said something like "blocked".

Any help is greatly appreciated


Thank you for your reply. Somebody might want to correct the part of the FAQ at http://www.utorrent.com/faq.php#What_is_ipfilter.dat.3F where it says "The format is xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy "

I tried it without spaces but it's still not working. I added "" but I'm still being connected to 85.* and 86.* IPs.

If you need any more information, like logs or screenshots or anything else please let me know.


The last line in ipfilter.dat needs an enter on it.

Also make sure you either restart µTorrent to accept the new ipfilter.dat file or reset the advanced setting to check it.

Lastly, are you sure you put your modified ipfilter.dat where µTorrent is looking for it?


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