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Move files when seeding is finished.


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If I understand the available options, what we've got now is akin to a library without a librarian. Stuff piles up in the bins, on the floor, through the slot. Even if we set up the "download to..." folder, it's all going in one location. TV shows will sit on the shelves next to mp3s, next to porno, next to software, next to another mp3, next to... I don't think anyone would be anal-retentive for wanting to create a better order than that. And sure, we CAN, but then the torrents need to be re-linked if we're to share them. So it's share vs. organize, which isn't optimal, by a long shot.

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Sorry, maybe I'm missing your point, big time, but are you retarded or what? The labeling function has nothing to do with "move the downloaded data to directory %z when reached the seeding goal for the given torrent" feature..

Yes it may help a bit, but still an organizing nightmare. You have to label each and every torrent, and still won't accomplish anything besides having a directory with labeled chaos in it. It won't help you determining in which torrent can be moved to some other place and which one is still being seeded..

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I've tried. Yes it puts them into separate folders. But now you'd have to wander through all of these label folders and look for the data that's not being seeded anymore.

G:\base_dl_folder\label\path_to_dL_this_torrent\ and this isn't helpful if all of these folders are full of data.. :/

Realizing that being rude doesn't make this feature come earlier I'd like to apologize.

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Indeed, and I have no idea when the next build is, thanks for the courtesy:)

Since that option works as advertised.. It is the only current way to have more than one "download folder" when completed. I understand the utility of a separate heirarchy but how would you implement it, to complicate things more if per-label options are going to be implemented how do you want it to work.. change the current "move to XX when done" to "move to XX when stopped (and completed)" and make everyone with labels set that as their download folder, defaulting to the "when stopped" if nothing is set? OR

Move to the done folder, and remove when stopped? Re-copying files unnecessarily seems like a waste of overhead, but maybe that's me.

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Just had a read through this loooonnnnnng thread and wish to add my support for this feature (that's the original one, not the many others mentioned).

If anyone needs a "reason" for this feature, than here's a physical one.

Bit Torrent software causes serious work for your hard drive. The poor little heads are flipping about all over the place, all the time. I store the completed (and finished seeding) files on a separate (much larger - hence read more expenisve) disk. The torrent files are on smaller, older and less likely to annoy me if they break, disks.

I move files manually, but would love the "move it when finished seeding" to be added. I would be happy for a choice as what I consider "finished", ie, still seeding or not, but would much happier with a full featured get rid of it from the torrent list, delete the .torrent file and move it to the totally finished directory. Individual tick boxs for all of these would be great.

I doubt many people would want the software to move files about for any other reasons that 1. finished downloading, and 2. Finished seeding. That way, people who wish to seed for longer, can still move files that are "finished" out of the way.

Just a thought...... :)

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  • 8 months later...

My ide for solving this and other isues are using profiles. That way I could make profiles for different kinds of torrents and have everything automated by setting one profile insted of download directory where default options is not perfect. The same profiles could be used for normal ways to add torrent files as well as the RSS option. Just connect the rss request for the tv series to the profile you like and the series end up where it belongs.

Its described in more detail here: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=44284

A profile would decide the seeding ratio, directory to move to when done seeding and even directory the be in while seeding.

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Per-label profiles are on the request list...

In 1.8, Go to Files, right click "Relocate". Also, now the dialogs should fully allow multiple-path-changing at once. This would be for 1) multiple file torrents in the right click -> Advanced -> Set Download Location 2) single file torrents in the same dialog and 3) for per-file redirection in multi-file torrents.

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  • 1 year later...

Chances of this working appear slim, but I'm going to go ahead and bump this thread.

Here's exactly what I'm trying to do:

I'm using an RSS feed to load torrents automatically into uTorrent.

As the torrents download, they download to:


When the torrent completes downloading, uTorrent moves it to:


At this point, I copy the file, and do whatever I need to (usually renaming, metadata attachments, etc.). However, I can't delete the file because uTorrent is still seeding it. I need an option for uTorrent, which then allows for another move when seeding is complete.


For people using RSS/Automated torrent insertion, chances are they're going to want to have some indication of when a torrent is safe to delete, and moving it to another directory is the best way (other than prepending/appending something to the torrent directory itself, which could just get ugly).

So, bump + 1 on the feature:

Move data files to directory upon seeding completion


It looks like the best place for this option would be in the Queuing tab of preferences, underneath the "When uTorrent reaches the Seeding Goal"

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If this isnt implemented yet, this gets my vote...

I have a script that deletes things after seeding for 4 weeks... Ideally, i'd like to seed until 1:1 ratio, then start the timer for them to be deleted after 4 weeks...

So you guarantee they will always hit a 1:1 ratio...

Other options for this which would be real handy for me would be to set the ratio you want it to hit, before it moves it...

I know this has been mentioned in another thread, but having this in a "options per label" would be great - as I like seeding certain things indefinitely, but only seeding RSS downloads for 4 weeks, so my HDD doesnt get filled up too much...

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I have discovered one VERY roundabout way of accomplishing what I'm looking for until they actually update uTorrent to include this behaviour.

Using ActiveState Perl (I told you it was roundabout), and using the WebUI, I have the following script which I run daily:

use Net::uTorrent;

my $utorrent = Net::uTorrent->new (

hostname => 'localhost',

port => '8085',

user => 'admin',

pass => 'XXXXXXXX',


die unless $utorrent->login_success;

my $torrents_aref = $utorrent->torrents;

print "Total Number = @torrents_aref\n";

foreach (@$torrents_aref) {

%torrent_href = %$_;

if (($torrent_href{percent} == 1000) and ($torrent_href{status} == 136)) {

print "$torrent_href{name} ready for delete\n";

$utorrent->remove_data( $torrent_href{infohash} );



All it's doing is querying uTorrent for all torrents which are at 100% (it says 1000 because the api returns the value shifted one decimal, so 99.9% == 999). If the torrent is at 100%, then it checks for ths status... status of 136 == finshed seeding. It then pulls a remove_data, which is the equivilent of a "remove torrent and data".

Like I said, it's really not the best way to do it, but it gets the job done for the time being until they get the feature completed.

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  • 1 month later...

I have this almost completed. Maybe release tomorrow or the next day.

Completely headless automation with emailed notification if it chokes.

Oh and solution includes complete separation of all types of media with automated renaming and filing of one particular kind.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I wrote an vbs script that could to this a while back: http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=40516

Well actually it moves data of torrents that are no longer listed in µTorrent. So someone would have to change it to also do this for torrents that are 1000 completed and have status 136.

It also depends on using default download/completed directories.

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Would there be anyway to create some sort of script that would 'Completed' torrents after 'x' amount of hours - based on 'Created Data'?

The 'Move on Complete' feature in uTorrent is to quick, and one loses to much precise seeding time when moving them instantly after completion.

I would <3 anyone who could do this.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

This feature saves the environment, at least in my case it would, because then I'd be able to hibernate the hard-drives which contain the completed downloads. My server runs 24 hrs/day and has six drives in it. Being able to spin-down four hds, which make up my storage raid5 array, would greatly reduce my electricity bill.

Let's go green uTorrent :)

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