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need help creating torren


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hi all...memo here...

i get the gist of creating a torrent, and have but one problem: when it says that i didn't list a tracker, and do i not wanna have a tracker; do i? should i? how do i? can someone tell me some trackers to input?

thanx, 'cause i, uh, shall we say…'live in a torrential downpour, if'n ya know what i mean. like, uh, man, it's like "Raindrops keep fallin' on muh head…"etc., etc. therefore, even though most of the precipitation in my region can not be what one would call 'cutting edge' (as 'tis hard to imagine a simple raingdrop as such), we nevertheless must, as a country ("AMEREXICO," as i likes ta call 'er; and i mean it; why do ya think they call it LOS ANGELES, or SAN FERNANDO, or SANTA ANA, and on and on. they were here first, and just like the injuns, greeted us with open arms, taught us how to survive in this land; what is safe to eat, hunt, etc. so how do we repay our debt to them? KILL THE SONS O'GUNS, slaughter the women and children so they can no longer breed, then kick their asses outta town, or herd 'em like cattle onto reservations. how can we live with that on our collective consciounce? CLOSE THE BORDER??? WHAT???? is there a conservative in this land with a brain? i can think of but two: lincoln and that fellah that switched parties a while back ago...OOPS! sorry! i gets carried away at times, but there is more to life than torrents and pyootrs; dig what i'm puttin' down? oh yeah...lemme know if there's a soap-box forum for like-minded 57-year-old student radicals, okay?) oh yeah...unite—shoulder-to-shoulder; cheek-to-cheek; arm-in-arm; and nose-to-the-grindstone [strike that last one], so that we who have an abundance of the wet stuff, can, as good <fill in yer spiritual affiliation here>, help out our less-fortunate brethren and sistren (sistren?) who have endured periods of drought too horrid to imagine—so that their cups may runneth over with nature's own purest of nutrients, such that they may drink, yea, drink! can i hear yas join me in a 'Hallelujah!', brothers and sisters, as we all drink—until the last drop has been drunk and the last drunk has dropped. only then shall i feel the greatest of all pleasures [get yer minds outta the gutters…so mine can float by], nay, the honor of returning any part of what has been bestowed upon me: the generosity so freely extended to me by youse guys and gals...dig?



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  • 2 weeks later...


okay, everybody who missed me raise their hands. aw! jeepers; bummer; crapola; and etc. i mean, i missed you! no worries, though, and i'll be as succinct as possible.

1. firon: a derogatory remark frequently reveals more about the remarker than it does about the person to whom it is directed. additionally, i would be remiss were i not to beg for your forgiveness in wasting your time; words fail me when i try to express the deep regret and sadness that has overwhelmed me since learning of the horrific act i've senselessly perpetrated upon you. i sob when i think that i may have inadvertently sullied the integrity of one who strives so dilligently to elevate e-thievery to the artform that it truly is, and to the status that it, and all generous people of your ilk, deserve. verily, i doff my cap to all such bastions of morality; of truth; of justice; and yes…of the american way! listen up, pally: i know who and what i am; do you? i think not, so until you do, be a nice guy, huh? 'cause in the great battle o'wits, you are indeed unarmed.

2. ultima: thank you for your tact. sit firon down (if you won't be wasting his time) and bring him up to speed. be gentle, however—i fear that childhood issues may have a bearing on his demeanor.

3. seraphim: angel, baby…you're tipping your hand with that UID. when one tries to convince others of something (as do you, with that handle), one is usually trying to convince one's self. the one person we are all best at fooling is ourself. dig? nevertheless, if i made ya laugh, i'm happy. it's just that your payment for the good laugh would have been more appreciated had you withheld it. insufficient funds, darlin'.

guess that about covers it. i am sorry i disrupted your community with my lunacy. yes, lunacy. idiocy? no. moronic. nope. just plain crazy. as i said: i know who i am; and you?



i will be withdrawing from this august body of intellect tout suite. again, my apology. class dismissed. you can all go back to workin' out better ways to steal music and movies.

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