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offline(timed out)


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I know this is an old one, but I've had that 'feature' on my client for a while now at random times over the past year! Today though is being like that all day, without knowing what to do. I tried everything that you posted on your suggestions and I read all the posts, yet I don't understand why and how it decides to do that! all the previous posts are quite old on this subject, so maybe there is something new to help! maybe...Cheers!


Is not the router, is not the torrents, is a utorrent bug! If you look up similar posts from half a year ago(google it), you'll see that everyone was kinda buffled with the whole thing and the moderators didn't really have an answer other than the procedures that I guess everyone been through like me! I download from two private sites and is the same for both! I don't know when is going to happen or for how long or why! it seems to go back to normal after some (unspecified) time! Is doing it right now as well and yesterday all day! before that though I didn't have it for a few weeks! go figure...

P.S still need some help with that!!!


You haven't answered the questions about openoffice torrents.

Your claim that it's a uT bug is not provable.

You claim that it happened from half a year ago, but that's still half a year ago, not half an hour ago.

Your refusal to cooperate with the people trying to help you indicates that you don't really want help.


The openoffice torrent is not downloading, is exactly the same with the rest,it says "offline(timed out")!!! I want very much to cooperate, and I appreciate any help a lot more than you probably think, I really don't want to have that problem with the client! Whether is half a year ago or half an hour ago, I realise that, that's why I said at my first post that maybe there would be an answer now, whereas before no one could tell and all the suggestions led nowhere! Peace


First of all, i'm sorry of my English (I'm Argentinian)

I tried with the open office torrent and it's the same

I'm realy confused, it's the first time it happens to me


My provide is Tiscali and I have contacted them on several occassions. Suffice to say, they have got no clue whatsoever, some were not even aware of torrent clients (at least not the ones I talked to!). I really don't know if 100% of people are having issues ( I hope not ), but I think there are lots with that problem. I was reading posts on other forums e.g mininova forum, and people from all over are having the same problem. I'm sure Tiscali is not the problem, everything else is working great and fast, even downloads! Thanks again



I am pretty sure your ISP hates you and wishes for your BitTorrent experience to be so painful that you never do it again.

Here's an example post:


Here's another...your ISP isn't picky about how much it ruins consumer experience:


If you do a search here for Tiscali, you will find you're not alone.

Unfortunately, if encryption settings in µTorrent don't help...there's not much we can do.


Hey there... noticed yesterday getting exactly the same problem... everything's been running fine for days, not changed any settings or hardware... all of a sudden most of my torrents are now in red with offline(timed out) error message under tracker status... tried from various torrent sites, and all seem to get the same error... really frustrating as one torrent is at just over 90% and it just won't download the rest of it...

Checked my port forwarding, and that's all okay... get the little green tick at the bottom that tells me my network is okay... haven't changed the firewall settings on my router...

Any clues?


so do I need to change my ISP? I know is a pretty radical idea,but I was thinking about it anyway! Can anybody tell me what exactly (in words) I need to ask the Tiscali technicians in order for them to understand my problem? I didn't have the piggy problem for the last three or four weeks and now is back with a revenge!!!!



I don't know anything about your ISP, as I don't recall anyone else ever even mentioning it. :(

(That can just mean few people post messages here that use it. Since English isn't their native language, that's probably understandable.)

Tiscali on the other hand gets mentioned probably a couple times a week. :(


If a particular tech cannot help you with your problem/s, try politely asking for a higher-level tech...or a manager if they refuse. You wish for true internet access. Even throttled internet access is better than what you have currently. Currently, they are censoring large parts of the internet.


I don't know either...some ISPs throttle/block only during evening hours. Others are doing "rolling blackouts" against BitTorrent traffic, as crazy as that sounds. (just rumors that I hear...can't confirm.)



Turn off DHT (both kinds).

Disable Resolve IPs under the Peers Window. (That's expensive window-dressing considering it doesn't help download+upload speeds any.)

Reduce half open connection max to maybe 1-4. (You're not firewalled in µTorrent, right? ...so it shouldn't hurt as much as you might think!)

Disable resolve country flags in advanced.

Disable "Enable Local Peer Discovery".

If you've manually port forwarded your router, or don't have a router, Disable UPnP in µTorrent.

Lastly, reduce total connections to 100 or less.

...maybe even as low as 20 per torrent, though 40 is probably better.


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