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uTorrent, netgear WGT624 and yellow light


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I read the forum (haven't found solution to my problem), I read http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=15992 , but it still doesn't work.

I forward the port (done that too many times, and it always worked) but I still get yellow light. On friday I inserted the wireless card Asus into my computer. When I opened the uTorrent I had green light but from saturday on I have yellow light.

I hope you can help me. I realy don't know what to do.

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my internet provider gave me static IP and I still get yellow light.

That's besides the point. Static LAN IP is not the same thing as a static WAN IP. The latter, only your ISP can do, but the former is all we care about (and is something you can do on your own, without your ISP's hands in the matter).

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Looks like it. Is there a section in the manual where it says how you should add your specific computer to that menu?

My guess would be "add" enter in or select the MAC (looks like AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF).

Alternatively you can find it out by Start --> Run --> cmd [Enter]

"ipconfig /all"

You want the "Physical Address"

After that tell the screen what LAN IP you want... then tell the router to forward all the traffic (TCP/UDP) on the port you want µTorrent to use, to go to that LAN IP.

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thx, but i'm think my router is going to die soon :D if i my say so. it works funny this days. if you can see on my second picture, it's dispaying nothing. today i try to port forward the port for eMule and it did'n work. i got that message:


after that i have in port forwarding this


and if i want to edit, i have this


very strange

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i have the same problem with a bit of a twist. my isp wont allow me to have any sort of static ip. they say they are only set up for dynamic addresses. does this make sense in regards to a static LAN ip?

i am able to set one up myself, i have before. but after a few days it no longer receives a connection and my isp is unable to get an ip address from my computer/router.

if i am indeed unable to set up a static ip with my current provider, is there a way around port forwarding with utorrent and this router?

thanks in advance for any help you may provide.

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your isp cannot control the layout of your LAN unless they provide the router which give you internet (privacy / consumer issue)...

Even if your ISP gives your internet connection a dynamic (DHCP) IP address, you can configure your router (or other POP for internet) to force assign / set your LAN IP to be static.

This usually revolves around setting the MAC address (in the form of AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF) found in Start --> Run --> cmd -->ipconfig /all into your router configuration and setting it to an IP.

On the other hand, you can tell your computers to not use DHCP and manually set theIP that way, disregarding the need/instructions for getting your router to keep track of your LAN computers' IPs

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Hey... I check the forum to find any answers to my problem, and I think this is the closest one.

I installed uTorrent for about 10 days on my comp. I have windows vista with BitDefender antivirus 2008. No zone alarm. Since I installed uTorrent, I never had a green light. I always had a yellow light. I have a US Robotics USR5461 router. I did forward the defaul port and I followed the intruction how to set up a static IP. I still have yellow light.

When I click on the yellow triagle and check for the port a new page opens and gives me the following message:

"Welcome to the µTorrent Port Checker.

A test will be performed on your computer to check if the specified port is opened.

Checking port 32270 on

Error! Port 32270 does not appear to be open.

Please see www.portforward.com for more information about how to map a port.

Please make absolutely sure that PeerGuardian2 or Protowall is allowing utorrent.com ( in either of those programs. Those of you using ipfilter.dat should make sure the list does not include the website's IP. After making sure of this, re-run this test by refreshing the page (F5). "

My static IP address is not 203.205..... is I tried different torrents, and none are downloading. The fastest speed I got was 10kBs, and thats very rare. I have no idea whats wrong. I tried everything I could. I will appreciate some help.

Thank you!

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OK, firstly welcome to the forum :)

Secondly, the 192.168.x.x IP is your LAN IP. From this I can assume you have a router, which is masking all traffic from your LAN to come from your external IP. Your external IP is seen there, as well as other places such as http://whatismyipaddress.com

Are you sure you setup the specific port to your specific IP and are using that port under Ctrl-G in uT?

This is only to get you started.

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