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Tracker informed incorrectly about stats


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I'm using uTorrent 1.6 474, since the tracker doesn't allow newer versions.

Lately I've noticed, that the stats are being counted incorrectly, specifically, download info, it never happens with upload stats: the tracker shows I've downloaded about a half less. It happens randomly and is very annoying, because due to this i could receive a ban. The only solution I see is calculating the missing amount and starting the torrent again.

Any suggestions?

P.S. I'm always downloading one torrent at a time (not counting those I'm seeding) for less load.


Well...the versions banned are 1.7.0 & 1.7.1 and no word about newer ones.

I've made a quick check, and it appears, that a great number of other member are indeed using 1.7.5. Perhaps I should give it a try and report. :)


I see... I've just switched to 1.7.5 , and it appears the last time I closed 1.6, it sent data incorrectly again. I was downloading a torrent without stopping and not a single bit of amount had registered (there were no peers, only seeders, so I'm talking only about d/l).

And the tracker shows I'm still seeding it (no other torrents), even though my client is long closed.

Then I upgraded to 1.7.5, redownloaded this torrent and tried d/ling to another location, just to register this data once and for all. The tracker rejected me ("connection limit exceeded, you may d/l only from one location at a time") and another same torrent appeared under the list of torrents being seeded.

Now everything's messed up.

Is there any way to correct this?

Let the tracker let go of these supposedly being seeded two same torrents?

Manually register data to the total d/l amount?



Thanks for reply!

The torrents listed have disappeared, I managed to redownload the torrent, so right now it's somehow sorted out.

I'll see if turning on bt.graceful_shutdown will help, but the client doesn't send info of completion even when simply stopping a torrent that has finished downloading.

I tested it by stopping it various times during downloading - everything's fine. Once it's finished and after some time I stop it - this is when the problem appears.


Just as a FYI, many users have had issues with ZA and µT. There have been updates to ZA since 7.0.337.0 that supposedly improve matters, but few users have reported back about it. I guess "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" would apply here, but if you have any further troubles, do try upgrading ZA first (or uninstalling it entirely) to rule it out as a cause.


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