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Slightly Rethinking the Crash Popup Box


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I think this is worth considering. I hope you agree.

When µTorrent crashes, it pops up a very nice, polite box with three choices. It knows it has crashed, and it's all ready to fix itself, but would we please select our choice of the three options.

Um—I'd love to respond, but it's 3 am, and I'm fast asleep.

In the morning, I discover that µTorrent was politely waiting for my click while hours of good nighttime download time were slipping by.

SO, could we please have an option to have µTorrent default to a setting we could choose in advance? Then it's our own fault if we don't like it. However, if µTorrent crashes in the middle of the night, it will get itself going again without any need for any clicks from sleeping humans.

Thanks for thinking about it.


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