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Moving Directories


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As the partition of my HD I was using was filling up I moved the folder I use for torrents ( both the .torrent files and the actuals files downloaded) from one drive to another with no issues. However I now will nor share any of the existing torrents and if I try and select the .torrents it trys and downoad them again.

I have been into options, preferences and input my new destinations

Any help or have I lost the "links" so cant share those files



Origonally I had the following file structure

In E:


--> completed downloads

so the .torrent files were in downloads and the completed files in "completed downloads" under their own directories

As E was getting full I moved the master folder to D:

I changed the preferences to look at D ( and the correct folders)

It has not picked up the torrents and if I open them in utorrent it tries and re-downloads the files


Pardon my popping in, but this is the problem I've been searching for a solution on too. I've gone through all the FAQ I can find and Searched already.

So what location should we be giving? I used the 'set download location' option as instructed elsewhere to the new drive & folder where I had copied the partial files, when that didn't work I re-set to the original file & location but it can't find them there either! It's taken six months to reach 70%, PLEASE tell us there's a way to get uTorrent to recognise the existing files?

Even restoring the system didn't do anything.

I also need to move the program itself to a new drive, can it be moved or updated without losing current torrents? The newest version couldn't download when I tried a couple of hours ago, I haven't found any mention of what it does to previous versions when it updates and it's so touchy!

I Really appreciate some assistance, preferably straightforward, I'm no computer whiz; sorry if this is a bit long.


In following the discussion regarding the changing of directorys, I have followed the suggested advice, however, I still get the error msg saying that the files can not be found in the original directory. They are not in the original dir any more. so how do i let the tracker know the newly changed path, which is in another dir?


Stop the torrent, right click, advanced "change download location". You MUSTselect the destination directory for directory (multi-file) torrents. Otherwise it will show 0.0%.

After selection it will start re-checking after you start it again. See below for other problems.


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