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Torrent I made not being seeded?


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Here is the link to my torrent: http://www.mininova.org/tor/1019979

I made the torrent in uTorrent, but didnt check "start seeding" because I thought I did that when I uploaded it on Mininova.org

Now the torrent I made is in my download section...showing 1 peer connected to me; and I am not uploading anything to him.

What did i do wrong? How can I set it up so I am seeding my torrent to people?

Thank you everyone in advance for helping me.


Yeah...the port is closed=\. Thanks for the help, hopefully I'll be able to open them soon.

While Im trying to open up the ports, how do I have it set up where I am uploading the torrent I made? Because every time I open the torrent, it shows it as a torrent Im trying to download.


I did everything in the port forwarding guide http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Linksys/WRT54GXv2/Utorrent.htm

And still, my port is not forwarded


Your modem may also contain a mini-router and/or firewall that needs to be disabled or configured.

You may have antivirus software that also contains a (hidden?) firewall that needs to be disabled or configured.

Some viruses, trojans, and even adware/spyware can act like firewalls...because they route some traffic through them but do it incorrectly.

Any or all of those may be your problem.


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