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1.2.2. Seeding While Completes, Trkr Stats Not Upded


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May have been posted and did search but could find anything directly related!

Using the Seeding While feature and after a torrent has completed its criteria and stops(works fine), the stats not getting updated to tracker since last update...lost almost a third of upload stat! The given tracker/torrent has its scrape interval set to 1hr.

Anybody see similiar??


I haven't tried the seed while feature, but if it's behaving like you say, it could be a bug.

Just a few questions:

Do you know whether or not the tracker was down when the torrent reached the goal?

Did you stop and resume the download manually before it had completed? That way, the tracker status will be reset as of that moment.


Naa...Straight forward download > seed > completion no stop,pause or interuption at all... trkr up fine...kinda baby sat since first time using Sd While. Used a small torrent for testing first run and was on trkr dble checking post completion! 64mg trt with settings of 300% and 0 to stop! Looks like UT not sending stats prior to completion!

Typically have been manually sending update and stopping at that point!

Does UT initiate transfer of stats ON manual stop??

TIA for any info!


Given trkr updates immediately at least when doing manual and if it doesn't, get timed-out status from UT and it continues to attempt every, I think, 30 secs or so! Can go to trkr after manual announce and stats r posted EVERY TIME.

Since always do manual announces before stopping(never failed unless timed out) have NEVER had a problem posting stats until Sd While automated stop.


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