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error message after installing new card reader


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Hi everyone!

Ok, so I installed a new fan controller with multi card reader today, and unbeknown to me, it then changed the letter of my external hard drive, where I have all my utorrent downloads and torrents. So instead of my external hdd being F it is now M. Thus utorrent can no longer find the torrents I was downloading in F. Ok, so I went to preferences and changed the download and torrent drive preference to M. However, this made no difference, as I am still getting "Error:can't open torrent F:/....." next to all my downloading/seeding torrents. On top of this when I click on the utorrent icon to start the program or when I try to force re-check, I get a pop up error message saying "Windows No disk" as the title and underneath saying "Exception processing message c0000013 parameters 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c 75b6bf9c". I get the choice to Cancel Try again or Continue. I have to click one of the choices or all o0f them several times before it disappears.

Any suggestions? I tried re-check, force start, restarting my pc, re-loading the torrents...

Thanks in advance!

By the way, if I un-install utorrent and then re-install, will I lose all my torrents I am currently downloading/seeding?


No problem I worked it out myself!

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  • 5 weeks later...


I ran into the same sort of problem, after I had changed some diskdrives. Previously I was downloading to a disk with driveleter I: But now this letter is reserved for a cardreader. The disk is assigned to driveletter L: now.

When I start Utorrent it gives me the message "Windows no disk" etc. Clicking on one of the possible choices "Cancel" "Try again" or "Continue" doesn't work. The only thing I can do, is stop Utorrent manually.

Reassigning my diskdrive to other leters doesn't work.

I tried renaming "I:" into "L:" in the settings.dat file (in Application Data/utorrent), but that didn't work (it also generated a settings.bad.dat file).

When I renamed "I:" into "L:" in the resume.dat file, Utorrent started normally but didn't give the normal download information anymore (just empty fields) and it crashed when I exited the program.

What can I do to get Utorrent starting normally and recognizµing my diskdrive(s)?

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I tried, but that letter was not available anymore, since it is reseved for a cardreader now (for some reason - it is not clear why windows assigned my diskdrive to that letter on a previous occasion).

I've solved the problem now: as a last attempt, I renamed the resume.dat file to something else. That seemed to work. Utorrent started without the "Windows no disk" message. All my torrents were still present. For some (that were uploading from a diskdrive that hadn't changed driveletter(...)) I had to do a re-check. Of course that was no problem.

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