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Multiple trackers no longer scroll through?


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Since updating to 1.75 (from 1.61) I have noticed that any torrent with multiple trackers no longer scroll through and give you status information regarding all the trackers. It only shows whatever the first tracker is.

Is this something that was taken out? Or is there some option somewhere for this?

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You are experiencing the ether... are you sure there are multiple trackers in the torrent? Right click, properties to verify please. I am currently staring at one with 8 at the moment (boy aren't linux mirrors useful) :P

You know if you want to check out 1.8 ß in this thread There is a whole TAB devoted to tracker information, no flashing by in a second... realtime always-on data on time-til-announce + peers + seeds :D

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Yea, everything is how it should be in terms of how the torrent is set up. It's just it doesn't show all the trackers either in the torrent list view. It normally scrolls through the status of each tracker. I.e. Working, Failed.... etc

Or on the general view, when a torrent is clicked only the first tracker in the list is shown. Normally it would show each tracker and its status.

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I have the same problem as Superpiccolo : the trackers no longer scroll in the general tab since version 1.7 (and yes I checked there are indeed several trackers separated by a blank line).

It's annoying, it was an option that was very useful to me, and it's the reason I kept the version 1.6 until it's been banned on several trackers, forcing me to switch to 1.7.*. :(

Now isn't there an option in the advanced preferences to make it work again, something like switching a line from "FALSE" to "TRUE" ? (please excuse the non-technical-although-long-time-µT-user language) ;)

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the links, tomh. I did search for a thread though...

Anyway, it seems the solution is to remove the "tracker status" column. I did it and now the trackers scroll fine in the general tab. Which explains why some people have the problem and other don't : the first have the "tracker status" column on and the others don't. ;)

Although I would like in future versions to have both options working. :)

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