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tv.tracker.prq.to hosting site forums


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Does anyone know what the hosting site for the tracker tv.tracker.prq.to is?

There are a bunch of people who are on 98.9% of a torrent and it would seem reasonable to request a reseed, did I but know how.

Thanks in advance for your advice.


Could it be the PRQ ISP?? Search via Google


Sorry I didn't read the whole thing.. in either case, this is not a tracker support forum.

This forum is NOT for help with anything you've downloaded! Once your files are downloaded, our support ends. Any threads asking for help using downloaded files will be deleted.

Posting about any illegal sharing of copyrighted content is strictly FORBIDDEN.


Och, my mistake. 'Twas my thought to ask about the _process_ of downloading (from a tracker 'site'), but I can see that is verboten also.

Thank you for your tolerance, and your replies.


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