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Recheck on Restart


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Whenever I close and reopen μTorrent the program acts as if it was shut down unexpectedly and starts rechecking all my torrents. This would not be such a big concern if this only took a minute or two, but because some of my torrents are large (around 50 GB) it takes more than 20 minutes just to finish checking them.

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I don't know? I'd recommend getting Sysinternals "Process Explorer" http://www.sysinternals.com No don't worry if you're redirected to microsoft. They got bought out a bit ago. And M. Russinovich works on Security (afaicr). When you download, unzip, and open it, you'll want to double click on the utorrent process. Switching to the threads tab and posting a screenshot might help (or it might not).

Also if you click in the lower pane and switch to Handle mode (Ctrl-H0 from DLL mode (Ctrl-D) and sort by "File Share Flags" (you will need to right click on the column headers and enable it) you can see what is being opened/read/closed ...

Truly uT should close within a minute as long as you can communicate with all trackers (I'm not sure what it does with a "connection refused" tracker...) and write the data to disk.

Have you changed any settings under Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> Disk Cache

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