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uPnP took over 30 mins to register its port.


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Netgear RangeMax WNR854T I think it is.

UPNP been broke for me (Vista) since I swear 1.6.X or < 1.7.1

Anyway, I have my upnp announce set to 5 mins, but shouldn't matter if you call out for upnp devices, but hitting refresh on my on the NetGear and about 30+ or mins my chosen port was set in the list (TCP and UDP) so since I read you 'added' that I thought I would let you know once it works, it maps both.

I think you need a worker thread to fireoff port mapping refreshes every 15 mins or so, sometimes I think things go awry.

BTW, how do I turn on logging? I haven't SEEN sucess/failure UPNP logging in like over a year.



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