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Windows explorer stop working


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when i first installed utorrent i created a desktop folder that the files would be saved to. at first i could go to the folder and open or move the files i downloaded. no every time i open the folder it says windows explorer has stop working and restarts explorer. can some please tell me how i can get to these files again and how i can stop this from happening? im using vista premium. thanks

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save your files OUTSIDE the Documents and Settings heirachy. What?

click start

click run

enter: .

(yes, one period)

hit enter

notice the path? -- what answered.

create a new directory in your root called DL

click start

click run

enter: C:\

hit enter

in new pane

right click

new folder




feed this path to utorrent

for your crashing issues I wager you're still foolishly using IE in its default state. Welcome to malware land. Visit BleepingComputer for free help finding- and removing it. Then http://getfirefox.com then http://easylist.adblockplus.org


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