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Utorrent 1.7.5 crashing at high speeds (10Mb/s+)


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Gents (and ladies?),

I've got something that could be considered a luxury problem, but its really getting on my nerves.

Utorrent (latest version) is constantly crashing when I download at high speeds. When it goes beyond 10Mb/s (or sometimes even beyond 9Mb/s) it crashes quite often. Yesterday I was downloading a 37Gb file and I had to restart the client atleast 6-7 times to be able to finish it.


- When it crashes it just exits. Like someone would be closing the app by hand. No error message or anything.

- Downloads are not closed gracefully and slow integrity checks occur when utorrent is restarted.

- Seeding @ 10Mbyte/s (or more) is not a problem

- Utorrent is running on a Windows Server x64 machine with 4Gb of RAM.

- Utorrent has 2Gb reserved in write cache

- CPU usage is not an issue

- The disks are 6x500G in an IDE RAID5 solution (Windows software RAID)

- Files are always pre-allocated

Did anyone hear about this kind of problem before?



uT does not work well with > 1023 MB cache.

This is a problem due to the inaccessability of the developers to such high bandwidth connections/hardware.

The link to the current test 1.8 build line is here and you can feel free to help test this progression.

Also there are many threads about overloading at high speeds. Searching the forums will find them.

Downloading 37 GibiBytes at 9 Mibibits per second, man I wish I had THAT problem :P


Have you always set the cache @ 2GB?

I have a 2003 x64 server with 4GB RAM that I prefer to have 2816GB allocated to the uTorrent cache. It crashes even when I have it at 1536MB.

I have a petty little 6/1Mb connection.


Mb = MegaBIT



You're using software RAID 5??????????? What is wrong with you


halabb said: "4GB RAM that I prefer to have 2816GB allocated to the uTorrent cache. It crashes even when I have it at 1536MB."

µTorrent's cache should not be set higher than 1024 MB ever due to a bug. :(


halabb if you are still having this problem why don't you post a log from Process Explorer (http://www.sysinternals.com) into your thread. The DLL mode list (Ctrl-D) saved as a text file (Ctrl-A) and pasted into a post will verify if any rogue DLLs are injected into the uTorrent process.

But yea, generally there is the limitation of disk overload and resultant crashes when downloading (I found overload starts @ 8 MiBps - and can't test higher since I'm not on GigE)... when Cache is set higher than 1023 MB, or when spy/ad/mal ware is injected into the process... You should really know EXACTLY what dlls are there if they do not say they are from "Microsoft Corporation" and are outside \system32.


nope, nothing of the sort.

Process PID CPU Description Company Name

System Idle Process 0 96.91

Interrupts n/a Hardware Interrupts

DPCs n/a Deferred Procedure Calls

System 4

smss.exe 336 Windows NT Session Manager Microsoft Corporation

csrss.exe 384 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation

winlogon.exe 412 Windows NT Logon Application Microsoft Corporation

services.exe 460 Services and Controller app Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 648 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

wmiprvse.exe 2644 WMI Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 724 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 776 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 828 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 844 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

spoolsv.exe 1004 Spooler SubSystem App Microsoft Corporation

msdtc.exe 1032 MS DTCconsole program Microsoft Corporation

StorServ.exe 1112 Adaptec Storage Manager Service Adaptec Incorporated

mainserv.exe 1156 Battery backup management service American Power Conversion Corporation

svchost.exe 1204 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

IAANTmon.exe 1228 RAID Monitor Intel Corporation

ntfrs.exe 1260 File Replication Service Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 1352 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

dfssvc.exe 1536 Windows NT Distributed File System Service Microsoft Corporation

svchost.exe 1680 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services Microsoft Corporation

lsass.exe 472 LSA Shell Microsoft Corporation

logon.scr 1676 Logon Screen Saver Microsoft Corporation

csrss.exe 2108 Client Server Runtime Process Microsoft Corporation

winlogon.exe 2136 Windows NT Logon Application Microsoft Corporation

rdpclip.exe 2304 RDP Clip Monitor Microsoft Corporation

explorer.exe 2400 Windows Explorer Microsoft Corporation

IAAnotif.exe 2488 Event Monitor User Notification Tool Intel Corporation

taskmgr.exe 2548 Windows TaskManager Microsoft Corporation

uTorrent.exe 2736 1.51 µTorrent BitTorrent, Inc.

Opera.exe 2848 Opera Internet Browser Opera Software

procexp64.exe 212 1.51 Sysinternals Process Explorer Sysinternals

apcsystray.exe 2756 PowerChute system tray power icon American Power Conversion Corporation

Process: uTorrent.exe Pid: 2736

Name Description Company Name Version






uTorrent.exe µTorrent BitTorrent, Inc. 1.08.0000.7041

ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

wow64.dll Win32 Emulation on NT64 Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

wow64win.dll Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

wow64cpu.dll AMD64 Wow64 CPU Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.1830

ntdll.dll NT Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

kernel32.dll Windows NT BASE API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.4062

ADVAPI32.dll Advanced Windows 32 Base API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

RPCRT4.dll Remote Procedure Call Runtime Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.4115

Secur32.dll Security Support Provider Interface Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

COMCTL32.dll User Experience Controls Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.3959

msvcrt.dll Windows NT CRT DLL Microsoft Corporation 7.00.3790.3959

GDI32.dll GDI Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.4033

USER32.dll Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.4033

SHLWAPI.dll Shell Light-weight Utility Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.3959

comdlg32.dll Common Dialogs DLL Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.3959

SHELL32.dll Windows Shell Common Dll Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.4184

WS2_32.dll Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WS2HELP.dll Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.1830

shfolder.dll Shell Folder Service Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.1830

UxTheme.dll Microsoft UxTheme Library Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.3959

mswsock.dll Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

ole32.dll Microsoft OLE for Windows Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

hnetcfg.dll Home Networking Configuration Manager Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

wshtcpip.dll Windows Sockets Helper DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

Iphlpapi.dll IP Helper API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

PSAPI.DLL Process Status Helper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

MPRAPI.dll Windows NT MP Router Administration DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

ACTIVEDS.dll ADs Router Layer DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

adsldpc.dll ADs LDAP Provider C DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

NETAPI32.dll Net Win32 API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WLDAP32.dll Win32 LDAP API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

credui.dll Credential Manager User Interface Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

ATL.DLL ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) Microsoft Corporation 3.05.2284.0000

OLEAUT32.dll Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.4098

rtutils.dll Routing Utilities Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.1830

SAMLIB.dll SAM Library DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

SETUPAPI.dll Windows Setup API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

netman.dll Network Connections Manager Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

netshell.dll Network Connections Shell Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

CLUSAPI.dll Cluster API Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

RASAPI32.dll Remote Access API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

rasman.dll Remote Access Connection Manager Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

TAPI32.dll Microsoft® Windows Telephony API Client DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WINMM.dll MCI API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

CRYPT32.dll Crypto API32 Microsoft Corporation 5.131.3790.3959

MSASN1.dll ASN.1 Runtime APIs Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WZCSvc.DLL Wireless Zero Configuration Service Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WMI.dll WMI DC and DP functionality Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000

DHCPCSVC.DLL DHCP Client Service Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

DNSAPI.dll DNS Client API DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WTSAPI32.dll Windows Terminal Server SDK APIs Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WINSTA.dll Winstation Library Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

ESENT.dll Server Database Storage Engine Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

WININET.dll Internet Extensions for Win32 Microsoft Corporation 6.00.3790.4186

WZCSAPI.DLL Wireless Zero Configuration service API Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

rdpsnd.dll Terminal Server MultiMedia Driver Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.0000

winrnr.dll LDAP RnR Provider DLL Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959

rasadhlp.dll Remote Access AutoDial Helper Microsoft Corporation 5.02.3790.3959


Oop, indeed :P Well, if you could keep an eye on the uT process with Process Explorer... I have a suspicion it's not necessarily using only 1450... My setup where I tout 4K torrents running in 180 MB of RAM, the virtual size according to procexp.exe says its just shy of 418,000 KiB. So that inflation may account for 1450 in RAM to utilize > than the 2 GiB barrier allocated to programs in 32-bit space.


I wouldn't worry about it, it was my fault, I didn't check to make sure you were the OP in this "other thread". In either case, I think the dev team has or will have access to some higher end hardware to help make the 1.8 line do some better/more efficient hashing which afaict is the main reason processors overload at the same time disks overload at such a high speed. The processor takes % to hash so much data per second... and then it being held up when trying to write to the disk, which is either already fragmented and has to seek, or is seeking due to extra options (immediately dump complete pieces) under Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> Disk Cache. I have also tested some with the newer cache workaround builds and have noticed less CPU usage, but it isn't enough for it to be definitive. As it is I only have 100BaseT, so it's not possible for me to test these amazing speeds people are really reporting the issue on.


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