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Upload refusing to average higher than 40 kB/s


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I'm on Comcast in Cape Coral, FL. D/l speeds are excellent, however, no matter how many files I'm seeding, how many connections allowed, and an unlimited upload speed, I just can't average any more than around 40 kB/s. I've tried everything I could find here in the forums. I must be missing something...


Indeed, you are missing the upload capacity of your internet connection... which is, considering what you've written here, something about 40kB/s - AFAIR exact comcast's uploads are 48kB/s (or 384kb/s)


I am on ComCast connected through Florida also...and my upload can run as high as 43 KiloBYTES/sec -- but I lag a bit at that, so I usually have it set on 42.

I also have only 384 kilobits/sec upload bandwidth.

SpeedBoost can get higher speeds than that for up to 1 minute...but I can't set speeds in µTorrent based on that because it is both not sustained and random on how high it goes.


You cannot upload higher than your ISP tells you you can without consequences. I am on a .5Mbit UP line, but due to automated counter-measures I can only utilize .25 Mbit up without causing major internet problems. A way to tweak this is to use the Ctrl-G settings and other changes to keep your internet running fine during normal usage hours (when you would want to be using your internet) and use the Scheduler to "limit" it to a higher upload speed when not. This has the benefit you don't have to be seeding only (the Connection pane has that option) and you get to still download as fast as you set it to.


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