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Can't get encryption to work


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Hi all,

I've tried the encryption feature with no luck. After some trial-and-errors (such as enable/force encryption, check off/mark "allow incoming legacy conn.", enable/disable DHT, using random ports), my ISP (bell sympatico) still managed to throttle me at 30k/s. I also tried other clients' encryption and ended up with the same result. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.

edit: btw, my modem is 2wire and I think its built-in router is enabled. Does it matter if I just ignore it?


Are you talking about 30 KiBps down, or up? Bell does shaping I think, but I have regularly hit .25 Mbit down from bell peers.

Also if you are stuck at 30 KiBps down (check speed tab @ scale other than 1 sec) do you see "download limited" in the taskbar? This means your upload is set too low. Setting it higher will remove the limitation.


I'm talking about 30k/s both up and down. My limits are always set at 0. Basically everything was fine before the shaping, and now I'm capped even with encryption turned on (and encryption never worked for me). Thanks for trying to help. :)



Turn off DHT (both kinds).

Disable Resolve IPs under the Peers Window. (That's expensive window-dressing considering it doesn't help download+upload speeds any.)

Reduce half open connection max to maybe 1-4. (You're not firewalled in µTorrent, right? ...so it shouldn't hurt as much as you might think!)

Disable resolve country flags in advanced.

Disable "Enable Local Peer Discovery".

If you've manually port forwarded your router, or don't have a router, Disable UPnP in µTorrent.

Lastly, reduce total connections to 100 or less.

...maybe even as low as 20 per torrent, though 40 is probably better.

It may not increase your upload/download speeds any...but it should mean more of the allowed bandwidth your ISP is allowing for BitTorrent is spent uploading and downloading torrents instead of just making+breaking lots of BitTorrent connections.


Thanks Switeck, that's by far the most elaborated method I've seen :) I've tried them all but am still capped... Can an ISP that's not blocking all encrypted connections still manage to throttle torrenting?


The ISPs who wish it have many ISVs to provide them with automated snooping tools to effectively reduce the efficiency of transferring files over the internet. Some merely limit uploading. Some shape traffic (keep you from getting your max up/down). Some throttle your connection (my isp does this if my upload is > 50% utilized over a 10 minute window).

Switeck to the rescue!:cool:

If you think it has to do with encrypted packets, disallow "legacy connections". if that doesn't help, try around on your ISPs forum or dslreports.com for ISP/regional/area changes which have worked for other users.


I have disallowed "legacy" and tried many other possible combinations of settings I have seen on dslreports. Based on last month's posts on dslreports, utorrent's encryption worked fine only for some Bell users. Now this "encryption talk" on sympatico's forum(dslreports) is disallowed... I really hope they are not following roger's lead to throttle all encrypted traffic.


If that's the case, there is nothing you can do aside from trying to limit connections more and more to see if that doesn't trigger their automated-countermeasures.

If you're up for an adventure and think it may only be shaping and not throttling of the connection and find Deluge works for you consistently please check out this thread The devs are actively looking for people to help them understand better the perceived difference between Deluge and uT on shaped lines.


I read that post too :D Deluge was no good for me as well. You mentioned "shaping and not throttling" twice, so I have to ask a dumb question: is shaping different from throttling for bt?


To throttle is to control connection speed.. as in my ISP auto-throttles my connection (resets my cable modem) when my upload increases > 50% of max utilization.

Shaping is only keeping you from using your full linespeed. For instance, I can only use 2 Mbit down for bittorrent but I get up to my max 6 Mbit for HTTP downloads.


Oh I see. Only my p2p traffic are being throttled during peak times. But they can even throttle encrypted traffic... I'll follow up when I get to fully test your suggested workarounds while being throttled again.

Just a follow up to the problem I had a few weeks ago:

I've tried azureus, deluge and utorrent alpha. It's so sad none could get around Sympatico's throttling. (Thanks to everyone's help, I think I've got everything set up correctly)

Could my ISP be just throttling all encrypted traffic or using measures other than reading packets? How can I tell if my ISP is throttling all encrypted traffic? Thanks.


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