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Different IP?


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I've been downloading something for about a day now, averaging around 80kb/s (which is par for me). All of a sudden, however, the port became "blocked" without my changing it all. I also noticed that when it checks if the port is opened, it checks it on a completely wrong IP. Not my IP at all. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but i can't figure it out. Any help?


There are multiple ways to mangle your IP, have you changed any of the default settings (blank) in these areas:

1) Ctrl-P -> BitTorrent -> IP/Hostname to report to tracker

2) Ctrl-P -> Advanced -> net.bind_ip & net.outgoing_ip

Also how were you forwarding the port: UPnP or manually?


Ohh very interesting-thanks for that. I'm still a little bit confused though. On my router the .104 IP has the particular port forwarded, but i'm not quite sure how to deal with the .224 one. I'm not sure if this means that im actually getting the speeds i'd get even if the check came out as positive or not. Thanks a ton again though


You don't. .224 is what the whole world sees you as. That's the IP you're giving to the tracker to tell peers "hey look at me, i'm on this swarm too, and i'm connecting on port XXXX" ;)

If you're unsure of whether you're getting theoretical max speeds... Run a speedtest from Ctrl-G (also links to multiple other possibly closer speedtest sites), divide by 8 (8 bits per Byte), and run http://distribution.openoffice.org/p2p/ . If you're getting almost identical download speeds, you're good to go. If not, you may be able to tweak, upload / download / peer settings to get more throughput, but it mainly depends on your total actual experienced speeds.


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