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utorrent port is still blocked :(


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I have set up a static ip and then followed the instructions for my router to open the utorrent port but when I run the test to see if the port is forwarded properly, it always says that it isn't. Is there another step that I need to take?

I'm not very technically adept and while I followed all of the instructions and everything appeared to be working, I really don't understand the changes that I made via the instructions.

I have the following:


microsoft MN-500

Windows XP

Thanks so much for your patience and any help that you may have. :)


Thank you!

Wow! The speed was fast. I usually get about 5kb when downloading and this was up to 300kb download. I occasionally saw an I flag but mostly it was d DH DS and the network status icon never turned green. It was red and said firewall router is limiting the traffic and that the port needs to be opened.

Let me know if there is any other information that will help with figuring out the problem.

Thank you!


Is my current ip the same as the destination ip?

Under my port forwarding it is listed as "private IP address" and it is set as my current ip address (the new static ip address that was set). It is the same.

Thanks again!


If that's the same, and the trigger/destination port is the same as under Ctrl-G... it may be you have a router built-into your modem. Can you try accessing in your browser to see if that shows your modem configuration page?


>>and the trigger/destination port is the same as under Ctrl-G<<

I'm not sure about this. Only what I said above. I am lost about the ctrl-g part. does not open anything in my browser.


The port you are using for torrenting is listed under the Ctrl-G Speed Guide window in uT. It can also be found under Ctrl-P -> Connection, but I personally like how all of your connection specific settings are in the Speed Guide.


Oh yes, the port listed is the port that I entered into the inbound port and private port. Actually, it was already listed in the persistent port forwarding. All I had to do was enter the proper IP address.

One thing that is odd to me, when I click the test button, it lists a different ip address than what is my actual static ip address. Is this normal?

Posted brings up MSN Broadband modem management tool. It shows "Connection Status" and it has a place where I can reset factory settings.

Is there something that I can do here to help? :)

Thanks for all the help!


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