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After im using utorrent for around 3-4 hours my internet messes up and i lose the connection. I have to then go to the other room unplug the modem and the router then plug it back. Ive been having 0-90kbs speeds. Also do you think if i upgrade my internet serice from 1.5mb download-300kb upload to 3mb download-512kb upload, will this double my utorrnet speed aswell? thank you

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Your problem sounds like your ISP has automated countermeasures which effectively tries to limit filesharing.

You have several methods of recourse, all of which pertain to modifying your Ctrl-P -> Connection / BitTorrent settings in uT.

a)You may have to reduce total number of connections / per peer. b)You may have to limit your upload more. c)You may have to reduce half-open and connect speed Advanced options.

A way to check your theoretical peek performance is with http://distribution.openoffice.org/p2p/ 100 KiBps in uT is equivalent to about 1 Mbit down. Right now you are on 1.5 so you could possibly see 150 KiBps down on that torrent.

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Because not all swarms have peers which are hosted on xx/10Mbit lines or greater. If the modem is resetting itself, you may be using too many connections, or uploading too fast. My ISP roadrunner decided to set their auto-throttling of the modem to hit after around 200 concurrent connections. To test this will require patience and trial-and-error on your part. If lowering your concurrent connection counts does not solve the problem, reduce the total upload throughput 5-10% at a time until you aren't resetting except for a few seconds every 10 minutes (that's 3% downtime).. which is how I deal with it.

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