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How Can I Have µT Automatically Open the Help File When I Press F1?


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every now and then I refer to µTorrent's CHM help file. I've put it in my µTorrent folder and either directly double-click the file or use a shortcut. However, I'd like it to be associated with the F1 key. Searching the forums didn't bring up appropriate threads so I ask here: Can I configure µTorrent to check its folder for the CHM help file? And if it finds the file it opens it - instead of opening the FAQ on the website. Is that possible?




Get 1.8. link here. This functionality has been added :)

EDIT: Since it isn't even close to stable yet (notice thread says alpha) I wouldn't recommend it for .. well trackers which ban beta clients, and if you don't backup your %APPDATA%\uTorrent folder regularly, and if you overall don't like the idea of using beta software.


Ah, very nice! Since it's currently included in the 1.8 alpha I assume that the feature will stay in µTorrent. Well, I hope it does. But for now I'll stick with the shortcut. My need for this F1 functionality isn't big enough to use the alpha version. Your guess was quite right: I avoid beta (let alone alpha) software. I'll give the final 1.8 a try when it's released. Thanks for the hint.



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