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port forwarding yellow triangle


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I've followed the port forwarding instructions and I'm still getting the error saying the port is closed.

I finally got a green circle with a tick and i was very pleased that i had finally done it but guess what its bk to being a yellow triangle!!

I had never had this problem when i had my computer but i got a laptop about a month bk or so for my xmas.

I'm not sure if this might affect it but I access the net from my laptop wirelessly to a router/modem it is just in the next room though. I set everything up via the instructions but it still doesn't work. I am using my modem that i used with my computer and this is plugged into my actiontec wireless router.

Please be gentle with me lol

Thanks a million!

P.s i have disabled my firewall but no good i have also disabled my avg security and nothing avg never interuppted this before



Hey av just opened up utorrent again and its green again i dont want to get tooo excited lol erm i have only the one movie in there at the minute and is as follows

Seeds 6(6) Peers 5(28) down speed 25.5 kb/s up speed 16.2 kb/s

but its def bk to green and its saying network ok and port open and recieving connections so i am guessing it is doing what your one does


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