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I have a little problem with opening port for utorrent.

What is really funny is that I have done this before and everything worked out fine, BUT what is not that funny is that when I'm using utorrents feature at options -> speed guide -> test if port is forwarded properly, then it says that it's not and it says to every single port that should be opened.

So what are my options? I really hope that you can give me some advice, because it's already killing me due the downloading speeds (I upload more than I download)

Thank you in advance


The port checker has given both false positives and false negatives in the past. You can also try http://canyouseeme.org for your port tester. If you see a green network status icon, or "I" flag (denoting incoming peers) under the Peers tab then you don't have a forwarding problem. Can I recommend Ultima's comprehensive Troubleshooting How-To ?


well I went to the site you recommended and unfortunately it said the same thing (port is not open). What is sad is that I tried several different ports there as well and the same result, although I used www.portforward.com instructions for opening ports.

Anyhow, is there a way that the port is open, but my PC is blocking? (btw I'm not using any firewalls except windows firewall)


I understand it can be frustrating, but with a problem like this there is a certain methodology to be sure to fix or attempt to fix the problem. I do not know your network setup (as in what you look like coming from your ISP). Mine is ISP -> modem -> router -> computers .

It is possible your router has multiple settings for "port forwarding" or "virtual server" features. It is also possible the modem your ISP owns / gave you has a firewall there. You want to login to it to figure out whether it can be setup in "bridge mode" or if you need to set THAT OPTION on your router if the modem is unable to forward / open ports.


yes, it is frustrating.

anyway. My network setup is ISP -> modem & router (they are built together, but I guess it makes sense modem -> router right?) -> computers

so the same way that yours is.

my modem is Thomson SpeedTouch 780 (just for the record) and yes it hat built in firewall as well. When I was checking the information about the ports (are they open or not) I tried it when it was set to standard and when it was disabled, but ended up with the same result. unfortunately.

could you explain me more that "bridge mode" ?


Bridge mode is a way for multiple routers to only use the routing (a.k.a. firewall) features on only one. Since your SpeedTouch has both, there is only one, so only one place to check. If you use windows firewall and the checkmark for "enable windows firewall exception" is not there, then that is probably the problem.

Before, when I asked about the network status and "I" flag on the peers tab while running the slackware or OOo torrent I was verifying whether the setup is correct for your current settings and the port checker was being wonky. If you do not see the green check at all when running OOo or slackware then that means there is a problem in the settings. Re-verifying your modem settings under "port forwarding" or "virtual server" to be SURE you are forwarding the right port (Ctrl-G Speed Guide) to the right computer (your IP address found by start->run->cmd->ipconfig). It should be there, but with routers having the option to split the connection such as:

       _____PC 1
router<_____PC 2

it never hurts to be sure.

It may help to understand the reasoning for wanting to be un-firewalled. Shad0w made a great paper at his site and the following explanation can be distilled from it.

A computer can be firewalled or unfirewalled. Being unfirewalled means you can be correctly-configured with a firewall or without a firewall. The latter is not recommended in the age of worming and port sniffing. Two firewalled peers will never connect in a swarm. This is due to the inability of both of them to receive incoming connections. Incoming connections are marked as "I" under the Peers tab in uT. With a multitude of peers in any swarm being unfirewalled, it puts undue stress on those UN-firewalled peers and really isn't fair. It is for this reason it is recommended to correctly-configure your firewall. :D

You only have to worry about the router in your specific case because you are using the windows firewall which uT already interfaces to.


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