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Location of Jobs Changed and utorrent unable to find them


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I store my download jobs in an external drive on my laptop, the original drive designation was drive F, my laptop later changed this to drive H and I am unable to download anymore. I will like to find out how I could fix this or reassign drive H as drive F.



Well, if you don't want to re-add everything and lose all your saved stats from resume.dat there is the BFE (Bencoded Files Editor) Ultima created for.. well checking out bencoded files. You can find it in my signature. Be warned it comes with little support. You can post additional request in here, or feature requests in the thread, but generally speaking it's an advanced user utility. ALWAYS make backups of your settings/configuration when you muck with your files. AND IF YOU CHANGE THEM, remove .FILEGUARD to keep the Logger tab from kepeing you from using your altered settings.

Btw, the function you are looking for is "find replace" changing the old path for your download directory to the new one :D


I have similar problem caused when had to replace my HD.

I backed up files to USB, then did cut/paste to new HD.

restarted utorrent, but It does not see files.

I have the DIR + torrent files in same location as previously.

As I have DL 60+ and am actively seeding 24/7 I dont want to have to reload them all again

Any ideas?


BFE ... It is an advanced-user utility. If you must change multiple pathing for your data the "Find/Replace" function will work. It also comes with little additional support, so MAKE BACKUPS OF EVERYTHING YOU CHANGE. Note you also will need to delete .FILEGUARD if you modify the settings or resume file to keep uT from rejecting it.


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