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Throttling vs. Encryption


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utorrent's encryption never worked for me, nor did azureus, deluge, or utorrent alpha. (but I still want to thank those who tried to help me get my settings right)

Could my ISP(sympatico) be using countermeasures other than reading packets? If it's throttling all encrypted traffic, how can I tell? Thanks.

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Yeah ISPs are seeming to crack down more and more and if the rumblings from this year's CES pan out we will see a new landscape in the future, one straight out of 1984.

You can try the tips under the How-To (2nd post) to reduce extraneous connections, and limit your connections under Ctrl-P -> BitTorrent even more to see if that eeks you out more bandwidth.

I would also like to point out there has been some success with the pre-beta 1.8 line of uT in traffic shaping of uT packets, borne out of collaboration between developers of multiple clients :D

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The thread is http://forum.utorrent.com/viewtopic.php?id=31704 the same one as your last thread ;) I didn't do anything it was Switeck, and Ultima with the concise guides. You didn't mention if 1.8 worked better for your downloads, allowing you to bypass (in some cases) your ISPs shaping methods. I'm not sure whether the method employed most recently is a mimic of Deluge or separate but just as efficient, the point is people who find it helps them should definitely thank the Azureus dev who's around this forum frequently as well as the devs mentioned in the thread, and more specifically for this forum the official appreciation thread. The dedicated staff here work VERY hard for the user's benefit. :D <wave>

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