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Can utorrent be used to DL shows from the Live Music Archive?


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I tried using the "Add Torrent from URL..." feature in the File drop down menu but couldn't get it to work. It is a pain DL individual files and would be great if you could somehow use utorrent. Does anybody know if this is possible?


uTorrent follows the *NIX philosophy... do one thing, and do it well. uT is a bittorrent protocol client downloader. You can read up on web seeding to see that when configured as such HTTP servers can be bittorrent clients. Also given that BitTorrent, Inc. (the proprietors of the protocol) owns uT, I don't think it will support any other filesharing protocols... It's not about "difficulty", it's more about "purpose" or "direction" of the client.


Well it's more something I wanted for myself. Of course I'd recommend it since it'd make things a whole lot more convenient for myself. I could only hope that others would share my inconvenience, I guess not. I'm sure you get such unwanted feature requests all the time and I suppose I can imagine how annoying they are. Oh well.


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