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Slow downloading, dont know optimal settings


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Hey all,

I have been experiencing slow download speeds for as long as I remember. I have Windows Vista, an SMC8013WG wireless router, and a very nice computer, but my download speeds for utorrent are very strange. The downloads usually go at 35-40 kBps, but will occasionally spike to 100 kBps or lag down to 2 kBps. I have utorrent port forwarded correctly, but I haven't been able to find any settings that will keep me above 50 kBps. My upload speed is always higher than my download speed for some reason, which is very annoying. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

My speedtest.net results:


Screenshot of settings:




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If your upload bandwidth is only 492 kilobits/sec, I don't see how you *EVER* reach 72 KiloBYTES/sec upload speed in uTorrent!

You may want to increase connections per torrent to 30...or even 40 if you only typically run 1 or 2 torrents at once, or if only 1 or 2 of your total torrents are even likely to top 20 connections.

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