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Internet Problem


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I recently reinstalled windows after a major blowoff between my internet and my PC. Everything is back up and working now although i have a strange problem. Whenever i run utorrent my browsing the internet becomes very hard to do. Most of the time it will load slow, other times it will not load at all. This even works with just one torrent. I have tried all the speed checks and done the setup guide at the appropriate site yet still my browsing is disjointed.

Any help would be grateful

PS: Already done everything in the Speed Guide except for the TCP.sys thing? Didnt understand

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If you haven't changed Ctrl-P -> Advanced net.max_halfopen you don't need to worry about patching tcpip.sys. It may be a previously fixed incompatibility was re-awakened upon reinstall. Are you running Nforce motherboard? Are you running multi-core CPU? Are you running any security suite on your PC (separate from or including AV + firewall + spam + parenting control)?

Perhaps you didn't set a low enough Ctrl-G (Speed Guide) drop-down setting? Are you sure it is set for your average maximum upload?

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Dunno about motherboard but i dont have a multi-core CPU. My upload is correct. Its at 1mbit at the moment which is about right as im on 3.5mb broadband

EDIT: Hope i havent shot myself in the foot here but if you havent downloaded the TCP/IP updates from MS will that effect your speed?

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A previously working install will keep working until something changes. Since you are not affected by the tcipip.sys patch previously it is recommended for you to download it because REMOTE EXPLOIT are two words you NEVER EVER want to happen to you... as one who lost many productive days due to nimda, it is NOT FUN reinstalling windows.

Getting back to your problem though, there may be a simple solution. Have you tried the limited settings listed in the How-To? If your router is the culprit (as it is in many cases) it may simply not be able to handle the extra connections used by DHT and LPD ... PEX is relatively negligible since it's traffic exchanged over existing connections.

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If you have trouble with Ultima's guide a listing of the steps you have followed and those you have trouble on ("limited settings" starts in post #2) will definitely allow further advice ;)

The updates were a security patch for windows networking subsystem which is vulnerable to a remote exploit when certain malformed packets are interpreted by the OS.

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Thanks Jewel. Sorry if i seem a bit newbish. Just before my net went down everything was going great speed wise. Just found this out also

When the BT engineer came round to fix my phone lines he discovered a fault underneath the floorboards which would need to be rewired..could this be why my speed is slow?

Will do HijackThis tomorrow.

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Couldn't tell you for sure. If the tech realized the initial install tech didn't do something they SHOULD have, the company policy would be to protect itself... as long as you don't have to pay for the visit I wouldn't worry about it. Just wait until they say it's fixed. I afterwards you still have the same problem.. you can then thoroughly bitch at them if you can't get it to work :P

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Lol yeah think i will bitch at them. Weird though about my speed. I always could rely on a fast download speed and good upload speed. Now i cant get either?

EDIT: n a whim i downloaded the TCP/IP patcher to see if it would make a difference..it didnt unless i did something wrong? Shall i run Hijackthis?

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They can shape you as severely as they want / are allowed under the agreement you signed for service. If you have a FUP, maybe they actually TOLD you how you exceeded it and what limits you have originally... if you KNOW the limits you can make the appropriate adjustments under the speed limits globally, and the scheduler.. Also i'm presuming it is a downloading restriction not an uploading one...

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If you are connecting to peers but cannot upload to them, make sure you are trying at the lowest settings with the lowest connection counts and full encryption (don't allow legacy connections)... If you're not connecting to peers they are doing more than sticking you on a lower plan... barring other error messages not covered above.

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