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Port Closed


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I have been using Utorrent for a while and it has worked fine for me. Maybe not as quick as i would like but everything else has gone well. All of a sudden it has red warning or sometimes the yellow warning icon at the bottom. sometimes it doesn't have any icon at all. If i check my port it says its NOT open. I tried re-forwarding it again and using different ports and what not, but had no successes. Any solutions on what could be the problem and why it would suddenly fail?

p.s. i dont know if this is relevant but by bro called me just after this happened and said his was't working either in Idaho. I live in GA and i dont know how they could be connected unless Utorrent is having a nation wide problem or something. Is anyone else encountering this prob?


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I have the windows firewall for XP but it is set to allow Utorrent. and i have AVG anti-virus but i dont think that makes a diff.

I just checked the speed report and it says the DL speed is around 1350kb and the upload is 550-700 if that helps. i also reset the speed in Utorrent but it didnt help much. Files download, just not quickly.

Actually right now Utorrent says its downloading at 7-13kb inconsistently and uploading 4.5-12kb inconsistently which sucks but is better than it was.

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To isolate the problem you need to start at one end of the computer and go to the other. If it is nationwide, then well, it means it deals with the ISP, but you can't do much about that, so how about we start at the other end. If you are configured correctly with the Speed Guide for xx/512 that is a nice baseline for connections. The reason the network status icon changes is due to the changing network conditions. No icon is a sign that uT is not making any connection attempts, whereas yellow and red mean that connection attempts are being made but that no incoming connections are being detected (a sign that the firewall is not configured to forward connections to your computer). AVG does not affect your firewall, correct ;)

If you try openoffice or slackware are you able to download ~ 120 KiBps?

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Something pretty funky is happening. According to the Figures at the bottom of the screen i am getting 140 kbps DL and 60 kbps UL. It has never been anywhere near this high. However the icon is red and says "not connectible, i firewall/router is limiting you network connection. you need to open up a port so that others can connect to you". Whats up with that. i have it set at xx/640k but i can lower it if i need to.

What do you mean by open office and download 120kbps. you mean down load something i Microsoft office or what?

heres some pics off the situation if if helps


you can see were it gradually grew and then all of a sudden spiked up


and now its working its way back down.

also. one more Q. What does this mean "Warning: ISP upload compression was detected. Your upload speeds may be inaccurate." it says it a lot when i try to test my speed. and then it screws it all up and i get weird results.

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140 KiBps down and 60 KiBps up in uT are pretty good speeds for a 1.5 Mbit down / .5 Mbit up line. If the icon is turning red it means you need to go through the setup guide again and make sure everything is setup according to your network layout. Please read through the How-To as well (it lists two sample torrent swarms you can use "openoffice" and "slackware" which are known working swarms) because it will explain some of the information you are asking about.

Edit: nice pics, but that verifies something I was suspecting. You need to upgrade to 1.7 for any dedicated support personnell to help you. Is there a reason you haven't upgraded?

Your ISP may be doing something similar to Comcast's "speedboost" which will buffer files up to a certain size and give the impression of an increase in speed. It means basically you have to run the speed test multiple times at each timepoint for data collection and average the results, as well as shape them over a profile of hours to create an idea of your ISPs countermeasures to discourage filesharing.

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ok. upgraded! i will go through the guides and see if i can figure something out.

Im downloading Open office and the DL went up to 170kbps which sounds good to me


im just confused about how it says my port is closed yet it works better than it ever did when my port was open. i think it my be better just to leave closed. lol

according to the guide...

f the coloured dot is red you most likely have a NAT problem (assuming you have properly opened the port in the firewall, if not, go back and do it properly).

anyone know more and this and how i can fix it?

thanx for the help so far

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Right you were seeing those kinds of speeds before. The reason Openoffice and Slackware are there is to verify whether or not your ISP imposes traffic shaping on bittorrent traffic. It will have no impact upon forwarding. If it shows as closed and you do not receive incoming connections then there is something blocking it. Starting at one end of the situation and going to the other is the most logical way of proceeding. I prefer to start at the ISP's end in my scenario since I don't have any software which may interfere with uT but you may prefer to start by analyzing the software you run. Somewhere along the line the port you are telling uT to use is not being recognized. Places I would check include your modem setup, your router setup, and your windows firewall setup. uT can and does auto-map ports uT uses but there may be old rules which can possibly interfere. To help explain the bit about "you may not connect" with the red and still have connections I give you http://bt.degreez.net/firewalled.html from TheShad0w (BitTornado creator).

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i started up utorrent today and its not working at all. I cant get anything to upload or download. i tried to do both slackware and openoffice to make sure it wasnt my torrent and those didnt work either. all other internet works fine. Speed test works fine. ports still cloased. im getting kinda pissed at this program. it is not very consistant. is something eles wrong now or should i just wait a while. knowing this program it will prob work fine tomorow or something.

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... If your settings were working there is an external factor affecting it. What ISP are you on? Searching the forum with their name will give you results other users have had with them. I can appreciate a problem not going away after you have tried and tried and tried everything. If you get angry the problem wins, don't it?

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