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Delete Unique User IDs


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I am using an anonymous VPN connection (Relakks), so I'd like to know how I can delete my old unique user ID, I used with my regular internet connection, to stay truly anonymous.

Is there a way to do this with the GUI or do I have to delete some files manually? I'd also like to know if there are other serial-numbers or IDs (like the clients DHT ID) I should take care of.

Thank you,


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... it may not be a permanent unique client id (like the OPs account for his vpn), but it IS unique at least according to the runtime code (wherever that is). It's stored in the settings.dat as a binary 24 byte key. Why else would there be a checkbox for "allow random id to be sent for updates" right next to "clear private data" otherwise?

Edit: non sequitur, what in the blazes... you're thinking psycho lemming trackers would actually "believe" or even care about some clientid a CLIENT sends?? Some of them still think uT is run by Bush/etc.

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