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Encryption and security on uTorrent?


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I've been using the standard bittorrent client for a number of years, but as of late I've tried a number of different clients, such as Azureus, ABCtorrent, Deluge and a few others.

Now my question is security...

How secure are they , I mean with respect with my ISP seeing what I'm downloading and how much etc... ( with respect to the new EU directive). and the fact that the ISP's have started limiting the bandwidths etc. for torrent traffic.

Now I know this might be the wrong place to ask this question, but which client is better. I mean granted ,a horde of fan boys (people ;) ) will now flood it with the benefits to utorrent. But I need some concrete arguments for why or why not?

is there a security benefit in one client that isn't found here (yet) and so on...

Major difference between :







And please people keep it clean, I'm not looking for fan-reply ... I'm just looking for the most secure and effective client. That will give me what I need in the best manner.

Now if there are other security improving suggestions, please let me know.

And to the Dev's , big shout!!! Nice client!!! :)

Cheers and regards


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BitTorrent is not an anonymous protocol. To keep others from sniffing your stream you want to do "full stream encryption" on your torrent client. To keep your ISP from shaping/throttling your connection (directions apply to uT, but the theories behind it based upon the BitTorrent primer -Guides page link #2-should work just as well on any client)... follow the How-To post #2 "recommended limited settings".


uT either encrypts the stream or it doesn't. It will never dis-allow incoming encrypted connections. You can however disallow unencrypted connections by unticking "allow legacy incoming". To see the encryption status (if you just say Enabled under Ctrl-P -> BitTorrent) to test client support... go to the Peers tab and look for "e" or "E", as the http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_all_those_flags_in_the_Flags_column_mean.3F states those are header-only, or full encryption :)



"(directions apply to uT, but the theories behind it based upon the BitTorrent primer -Guides page link #2-should work just as well on any client)... follow the How-To post #2 "recommended limited settings"." <<--- I can't find the guide you are refering to....

Yeah I'm a wee bit slow today....



µtorrent/BitTorrent encryption is to circumvent traffic throttling. Not for security.

VPN provides some degree of security (Especially from your ISP. Less so from the authorities.), it encrypts all traffic between you and the VPN server. However VPN connections are slow or expensive and more often then not you cannot forward the µtorrent port.


so is there realy anything one can do to protect one self from snooping eyes? Granted been thinking about the VPn solution , but couldn't really get anything to work properly....


BitTorrent WORKS by having the trackers, seeds, and peers knowing the other seeds and peers ip addresses. Encryption DOES NOT HIDE THAT!

What you want is vaguely like trying to have an anonymous mailbox and then still demanding people who don't know the address send mail to you. :P


easy there lads, easy.... I was just asking about the options that are available. One never knows with modern tech.

I'm just trying to cover as many angles as possible.....for god sakes lads, you can't blame a poor sod for trying.



the biggest diffence between them is that uTorrent isnt a Java application so it runs faster and requires less CPU usage, main reason i stopped using Vuze(azureus) but even with my new laptop with dual AMD processors i still havent gone back cause 1. Vuze really makes things more complicated than they need to be with all their options and their interface.

uTorrent has been great for me, use Encryption to boost your speeds but dont set it to Forced cause it could slow you down if none of the peers are using Encryption

and like i said in the other thread, if you're worried about security, stop using public torrent sites/trackers, find underground forums that have people who either do it themselfs or know people that created and track the torrents privately.

  • 3 weeks later...


I am wondering if a program like "Hide the IP" would work in securing your privacy.

It apparantly redirects you ip address through a proxy and reports the proxy ip address to the world. Not sure whether it works with uTorrent etc.

Just a thought.

John S.


yeah, I've been wondering the same thing. And what sort of impact would it have on the bandwith?? (and thereby on the dl speed)


Damn fast reply, but yeah I figured as much. Anyone tried Relakks ( spelling), that swedish vpn thingy...any good, hard to setup,etc??


I've all of a sudden had a problem with security. Rogers sent me an email sayin how I was infringing on copyright material and that they're giving me a warning, and if I did it agan, they were going to sue me. This happened once before a year ago when I was using Azureus, but only because I forget to check encryption. But now, encryption is on. I don't know what to do, is it because I had "Allow Incoming Legacy Conections" checked? Someone help!


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