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Halp Please! :-)


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not sure if this counts as trouble shooting but here's my problem.

I rent a room to someone, I have a WRT54G wireless router, running firmware version 1.52.2 This guy seems to not want to restrict his downloads to a time when i'm NOT using the internet. I've played with the QOS settings (he's on a wire as am i though it is a wireless router) and set my ethernet port to high priority with his to low. this does not help in the least. I've turned off UpNp and that does not help. is there any way -without accessing his computer- to block his downloading from my router. In the "Access Restrictions" tab in my router theres a way to block services but I'm unclear as to how to set up U torrent as a blocked service.

Any help with this would be greatly appricated.


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Ooooh. well you ... do you have a renter's agreement with him? You could charge him double for the hassle. I think with the modded firmwares you can block access to ports. Has he forwarded a port? Honestly I have no idea for the mods, but you should look into Hyper-WRT DD-WRT and Tomato :/

He's a bugger and should piss off.

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