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Show bubble with 'NAT error' and 'Listen error'


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When NAT error or listen error occurs, show a bubble on the task bar


NAT error

Please make sure port 6881 TCP and UDP is forwarded correctly for best performance.

Listen error

Another application is using port 6881. Please choose another port in Network Options for best performance.

This would draw attention to the problem as the text on the status bar isn't that obvious. Many users didn't notice it unless it is pointed out to them. This also shows how to solve the problem.


I think only Listen error should show a popup, since NAT error is unfixable for many people...

Maybe NAT error could have a one-time popup, but not every time you start the program.


I like it. The other day I didnt even notice I had a NAT error until one of my torrents I was seeding upload speed dropped to 0 all of a sudden, even though I was connected to about 25 peers out of 50+.


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