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Help!!! My utorrent stopped workin completly after apgrade!!!


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Few days ago i have upgraded my u torrent as i have been prompted by program itself.

As soon as i have done it it stopped working, every time i add new torrent to download the arrow turns automaticly red and the speed is 0%.

Don't know where to start and why this has happened...

Please help me...

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What is the tracker status message? http://utorrent.com/faq.php#What_do_the_red_icons_mean_on_the_torrent_status_icons.3F

Are you running any filtering / firewall / internet secutiry software? You will need to remove and re-add thespecific rules you made for uT. If you don't know where to check, after reading through the How-To, you can check out my post which elaborates on certain steps and palces you may not think to look initially.

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