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My net


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Im using utorrent 1.7.7 and i have updated java. I have mcafee and a d-link router (624+).

When i download in utorrent, i can't surf on the net. I don't know how to set it up, so i can go on the net.

My maximum dl speed is 260kb/s and my ul is about 60kb/s. The most of the time, my dl is at 60kb/s. I think its quite slow. When i test my net speed, it's very diffrent what it says. Sometimes it's 25000/470, 19000/480, 6500/470, so i don't know how fast it is. I tested it at speedtest.net and tdc.dk.

The icon in utorrent is green, so that isn't the problem.

err don't know if there was anything ells, i had to post


"xx" in xx/512k means "could be anything".

Upload is what matters, and you have roughly 470 kilobits/sec...close enough to xx/512k to use it, since those settings are rather conservative on upload speed.


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