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Possible to limit global bandwidth based on other programs?


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This is likely not even possible, but I figure I will ask anyways.

You know how you can set the process priority of programs lower than normal, and then if you are running another program, that program gets first dibs on cpu cycles before the one you lowered the priority on.

Can utorrent do the same thing with bandwidth? For instance, if I start up a game, could utorrent detect that something else needs bandwidth, and just let it have all it needs? This would be much better than having to manually change speed limits on utorrent all the time.

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  • 1 year later...

I would love something like this !!

It doesn't have to be made complicated to be an improvement. Perhaps an option to designate even just one program as having first dibs on bandwidth.

For me my pet peeve is if I open my internet browser it is not because I want to use it at dial up speeds :)

The torrents are going to take awhile, perhaps days, to acquire. Cutting their d/l rate at times will not matter much overall. Thus they should automatically become a background bandwidth priority while I am using the internet for something I want NOW.

It seems to me that uTorrent puts itself at the forefront of the bandwidth no matter what.

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It is very hard to throttle download bandwidth because that's what someone is sending to you...your ISP has already decided whether you will even receive those data packets before your computer gets them. Your upload is more controllable and tends to be the thing that causes the most web browsing lag...unless you somehow manage to seriously max out your download bandwidth!

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