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Comcast observation/work-around


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My apologies if everyone is already way ahead of me on this, but until the new protocol methods are implemented I have found a temporary solution that works semi-adequately for me.

When I had the µTorrent upload cap at 40K (near saturation for my connection) I couldn't run more than about 20 minutes before Comcast effectively blocked all µTorrent connections.

I could hit the "random port" button (or set a macro to do it) and within a few minutes I would be going again, but that would only work for another 20 minutes or so.

I tried setting the cap at 30K, and now I can go hours without "hitting the button". There may be a higher number that works just as well, but for the moment I'm just letting it go.


Got it, thanks.

But ... how does lowering the 'half-open' limit actually help? Is it just a matter of reducing the amount of [possibly unnecessary] handshaking?


Lots of activity, especially connection churn on a single incoming connection, would certainly be easier to spot by ComCast's monitoring systems. Half open connections are out outgoing connections, but even still...a lot of them being made at once will probably draw more attention.

Briefly increasing half open connection max back to 8 (or higher if your Windows OS can handle it) may allow you to grab more connections than you'd get at the slower rate. But there's a pretty good chance every connection gotten this way will be killed off in less than 1 minute.


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